4D Gelateria Franchise application form - 4D Gelateria
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4D Gelateria Franchise application form
First Name*
Last Name*
(Company Name)
Your Country/State*
Your City*
Where do you want to open a store ? (State/City)*
Have you already found a Location ?*
Not yet
Yes,but not available yet
Yes,already available
Yes,more than one
Investment Capability $*
$500.000 > OVER
Your e-mail*
Policy 4D*
Contact 4D form By filing the form, "Contact 4D", you acknowledge 4D Gelateria may use and share the information to respond to your inquiry. We may consider transmitting your personal information to our development manager, agents, related parties, affiliates and to other third parties as part of our consideration of your inquiry. We do not give the right to any of the parties reported above to use your personal information for any purpose other than considerations in subject. By submitting your personal information to this site, you consent to the transfer of your personal information to any country and its use and disclosure in accordance with U.S. federal and Florida law and with this privacy policy. 4D Gelateria operates and command this Web site from within the United States of America. The laws of the United States and Florida rule the online privacy policy of the 4D Gelateria website; such laws may diverge from privacy laws in your federal state or home country. This English-language it is the official language of the 4D Gelateria online privacy practices and shall control in case of any discrepancies between this English-language privacy policy and its translation into a different language than English language. 4D Gelateria reserves the right to use or disclose any information as needed to satisfy any legal requests or regulations, to cooperate in any legal investigation and to safeguard the integrity of the website or 4D Gelateria brand. Franchising Application Form By filling the franchise form application, you acknowledge 4D Gelateria may use and share the information to respond to your inquiry and to direct our franchise intelligence efforts. We may consider transmitting your personal information to our development manager, agents, related parties, affiliates and to other third parties as part of our consideration of your franchise inquiry. We do not give the right to any of the parties reported above to use your personal information for any purpose other than franchising consideration. By submitting your personal information to this site, you consent to the transfer of your personal information to any country and its use and disclosure in accordance with U.S. federal and Florida law and with this privacy policy. 4D Gelateria operates and command this Web site from within the United States of America. The laws of the United States and Florida rule the online privacy policy of the 4D Gelateria website; such laws may diverge from privacy laws in your federal state or home country. This English-language it is the official language of the 4D Gelateria online privacy practices and shall control in case of any discrepancies between this English-language privacy policy and its translation into a different language than English language. 4D Gelateria reserves the right to use or disclose any information as needed to satisfy any legal requests or regulations, to cooperate in any legal investigation and to safeguard the integrity of the website or 4D Gelateria brand. If you have any questions regarding our policy or you want to edit or delete your personal information filled in the forms, you can write to us at info@gelateria4d.com or by mail at 4D USA LLC, 670 Lincoln road, Miami Beach, FL 33139 © 2015 4D Gelateria, All rights reserved.
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